Saturday, 17 May 2014

Spain's opinion of royal family hit

A staggering 85% of Spanish people believe that the royal family are somehow implicated in corruption cases and scandals.

The survey showed that 75% confess that the royal family inspires little or no confidence.

Despite this the majority of the population would not change the current state of affairs.

Sixty per cent consider the democracy to work badly or very badly in Spain.

The credibility crises that Spanish institutions and political parties are going through together with the continuous scandals that surround the king and his family have ended up weakening the royal family in the eyes of the Spanish.

The fact that 85% believe that the royal family are implicated in corruption is principally due to IƱaki Urdangarin, the king’s son in law, who currently stands accused of embezzlement, fraud, perversion of justice, lying and money laundering.

In a survey, done by Sondea Investigacion Social (social investigation surveys), of the 75% who say that the royal family inspires little or no confidence in them, their main concern is with the family itself and not the actual institution of the monarchy.

Only 45% believe that the current king should be the last one, the other 55% want Prince Felipe to continue the tradition.

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