Friday, 12 September 2014

“I’m not a moron” quotes DLT in assault case retrial.

THE retrial of Dave Lee Travis is drawing to a conclusion in the next few days, after a week of testaments to the jury from the prosecution, two alleged victims and the defendant himself.

The court will re-examine two purported incidences, one allegedly committed in the mid-90s and the other against a different woman in 2008.

Travis, whose real name is David Griffin, testified in court today, and described himself as a “tactile person” but not a “moron.”

The case had begun with a damning account by the prosecution of how he was an opportunist who molested vulnerable women. The prosecutor, Miranda Moore QC, at Southwark Crown Court, summarized the case by saying that the defendant acted as if it was “his right to touch their breasts, or put his hands in their clothing to grope them.” Claiming his celebrity status gave him the right to do it.

The two women then took turn on the stand, the first, a female television personality who accused the DJ of groping her, whilst she was a researcher on the Mrs Merton Show in 1995, which she claimed left her “shaking” after he groped her in the corridor of the BBC during the shows recording. The second woman alleged he put his hands between her legs in a nightclub on the Isle of Man.

Today, the veteran radio1 DJ, told the court that he would not approach a stranger and “pinch their bottom.” He also said that he had lead “two years of hell” and “lost half a million pounds, his house and his life because of made-up rubbish.”

Travis denies two counts of indecent assault and one of sexual assault.

The case continues.

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