Monday 8 December 2014

Aziz Ansari tweets #GhostPlane script

Comedian and actor Aziz Ansari may have hit movie gold during a boring flight.

Comedian and actor Aziz Ansari may have hit movie gold during a boring flight.

  • Comedian and actor Aziz Ansari got bored on a flight Sunday

  • He started tweeting ideas for a film about a haunted plane

  • Unfortunately, the tale ended on a cliffhanger

(CNN) -- Well, that's one way to crowdsource.

"Parks and Recreation" star Aziz Ansari tweeted Sunday that he was bored on a flight, and what followed had all of the makings of a Hollywood movie.

The comic questioned why there has never been a film about a haunted plane: "Wouldn't that be dope?" He then started tweeting ideas and a script for a project he dubbed "Ghost Plane."

Quicker than you could say "I'll make you a star," #GhostPlane took off.

"Dude. For real. Is any studios into GHOST PLANE? I can make it cheap. It's all one location. Just the plane," Ansari tweeted.

The idea goes like this, according to Ansari's tweets: "Open on Indian guy RAJ (Aziz Ansari) saying bye to his parents. He gets on the plane. But this plane is actually a GHOST PLANE. #GhostPlane."

"Raj uses the plane washroom pre-takeoff. He sees a face in the mirror. 'This might be a ghost' he thinks.... #GhostPlane," the actor added.

Don't even worry about casting. There's a role for Jennifer Lawrence as "Flight attendant Anne" and fellow Academy Award winner Tom Hanks as "The Captain." But our favorite character might be embodied in this tweet: "A mysterious man in a hoodie: 'If you want to stop the dolls. You need my help.' He lifts the hood: ITS LIAM NEESON AS HIMSELF! #GhostPlane."

Because of course it's Liam freaking Neeson.

Fans were really into it. On person tweeted, "Now I can't sleep because @azizansari is telling the most magnificent story #GhostPlane" while another said, "A studio needs to pick up @azizansari's #GhostPlane IMMEDIATELY. If not we'll just make a kickstarter. It'll be cheap."

We will have to wait to see how it all pans out.

Ansari said, "Sorry everyone. #GhostPlane is on pause. I just got home and have to be up early to shoot Parks. I'll try to finish this sometime."

What a cliffhanger.

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