Saturday, 7 June 2014

Parents of obese 11-year-old arrested in the UK

THE PARENTS of a terribly overweight 11-year-old have been arrested on suspicion of child cruelty after their son reached 15 stone.

His mother claims that he may be “genetically fat” and that her son’s weight “wasn’t a big deal” as both sides of the family were given to gaining weight easily. Despite these statements she also added that she was scared that the authorities might take her son away.

His parents say they were interviewed by the police after doctors, who treated their son at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in King’s Lynn, raised their concerns with the local force after the boy was brought in for treatment twice in one month.

Their son, who is 5 ft 1, has a body mass index of 41.9 which means that he is officially classed as “very overweight” despite claims from his family about trying to keep him thin.

A spokesperson for the Norfolk Police stated that officers from the child abuse unit worked closely with health and social services to monitor “sensitive issues such as obesity and the neglect of a child.” He went on to underscore the fact that the welfare of the child and their protection from harm was of paramount importance.

The parents are now on bail pending charges.

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