Friday, 25 April 2014

Fewer banks than ever in Almeria

According to latest figures, Almeria now has 279 fewer bank offices than in 2008.

After the merger of Bankia and Bancaja, a number of branches were closed but a number of other banks are also affected.

In Mojacar, most banks concentrate their efforts at the beach area, Mojacar Playa, rather than Mojacar Pueblo, with the higher footfall making it beneficial to have a physical presence in the town.

Mojacar Pueblo had Banesto, Unicaja and Banco Jerez until fairly recently.

Banco Jerez closed its doors, followed by Banesto and then Unicaja. Now the only cashpoint available in the village is Cajamar, placed thanks to the council.

Rural areas are more affected, and are especially problematic for the elderly, or those without transport.

This week, fifty residents have demonstrated against the closure of Cajamar in Cartagena.

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