Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Moss on marriage, 'Mad Men'

Moss stars as Peggy Olson in the hit drama

Moss stars as Peggy Olson in the hit drama "Mad Men."

  • The actress says she watches a lot of TV

  • She says the cast of "Mad Men" play games in their spare time

  • Moss says marriage to Fred Armisen was "traumatic"

(EW.com) -- Elisabeth Moss is having quite the year: She won a Golden Globe for her performance in the mini-series Top of the Lake, she's co-starring in the final season of Mad Men beginning this spring, and now, she's on the cover of this week's New York magazine.

Moss comes off as a Cool Girl in the New York profile, talking about how normal she is — she watches a lot of TV! she has two cats! she loves iPhone games! — and also touching on some less-normal topics, like her ties with Scientology and her relationship with Fred Armisen. We rounded up the highlights below:

She's a jokester on set — until it's showtime

While filming The One I Love, a romantic comedy (with a twist) that premiered at Sundance this year, Moss's microphone had to be moved because it was picking up the sound of her heartbeat. "She's joking around casually and then you yell 'Action' and her heartbeat goes to 150 beats per minute," says co-star Mark Duplass.

Helen Mirren's a fan

Moss introduced herself to Dame Mirren when they sat at the same table at this year's Golden Globes, to which Mirren replied: "I know who the f— you are." Safe to say Moss has made it.

The cast of Mad Men play iPhone games in their off-time

Moss and her costars get along a lot better than their characters do on the show, apparently — so much so that Moss and co. tend to stick around after filming to hang out in what they call the set's "base camp," an area by the hair and makeup trailers that acts as a sort of living room for the cast. There, they play Heads Up!, a game in which Moss excels.

She's lazy

"I don't go to classes. I hate hiking. I don't go to flea markets. I would like to do that stuff but I just don't do that stuff. I was like, 'I guess we'll go to the beach, because that's something I would do if I had time and wasn't so lazy?'" Moss says as she and New York's reporter drive to the beach. But she does like watching shows like Scandal and Nashville in her free time — a woman after our own heart!

She doesn't want to talk to you about Scientology

Her affiliation with the church is well-known, but she's done addressing it — even to her friends. "I said what it meant to me, and anyone can go and look at that if they want to know what I feel. But now it's private, off limits."

Fred Armisen was... not the best husband

"It was extremely traumatic and awful and horrible," Moss says of her marriage to the comedian, which lasted eight months.(The couple separated in 2010.) "At the same time, it turned out for the best. I'm glad that I'm not there. I'm glad that it didn't happen when I was 50. I'm glad I didn't have kids. And I got that out of the way. Hopefully. Like, that's probably not going to happen again."

Head over to NYMag.com to read the entire profile.

See the original story at EW.com.

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