Thursday, 8 May 2014

383 Malaga drug dealers caught

A total of 383 successful drug busts were made in Malaga last year; the pattern is always the same: investigation, surveillance and search leading to a detention.

The police have pledged to go through this circle and then start again and will continue to do so until there is no more drug dealing on the streets of the province of Malaga.

Los Palomares is the latest bust to throw up around 20 wraps of the cocaine and heroin mix that seems to be so popular recently.

Eight people were detained once the police had moved into the “search” phase of the circle having been given information that illegal activities were taking place at the address in the outlying neighbourhood of the capital.

This bust happened at exactly the same place as a bust just one week earlier.

Apparently, in the last bust a man was arrested and put on remand; in less than a week his three underage daughters and their grandmother had taken over the business.

The circle continues.

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