Thursday, 8 May 2014

Andalucians recycle less but save water

Back in 2011 76% of people in Andalucia regularly separated their rubbish for recycling but now only 71% claim to do this.

A report by the IESA (centre for the study of social habits) has revealed that recycling continues to be the preferred way for Andalucians to contribute to the environment but, due to the lack of suitable containers - there is a lack of containers for paper and batteries; some are doing less than in the past.

In 2011 only 29% of Andalucia’s population were worried about the water compared to 38 per cent being worried in 2013 when people are saving more water than ever before.

The most recycled product by the residents of Andalucia was plastic (74%) followed by glass (73%) and paper (68%).

The study revealed that women are more concerned with recycling and helping to maintain the environment than men.

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