Friday, 24 October 2014

Madeleine Albright bests Conan on Twitter

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright took on late-night talk show host Conan O'Brien in a Twitter battle.

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright took on late-night talk show host Conan O'Brien in a Twitter battle.

  • O'Brien tweeted about being "Slutty Madeleine Albright" for Halloween

  • The ex-secretary of state responded with her own putdown

  • Albright warned the comedian not to battle a diplomat

(CNN) -- You got served, Conan O'Brien.

The late night talk show host discovered that diplomats have a way with words when he tweeted Thursday, "I picked out my Halloween costume. I'm going as 'Slutty Madeleine Albright.' "

The former secretary of state responded with a bit of her own humor: ".@ConanOBrien I'm considering going as hunky Conan O'Brien - but that might be too far fetched."


The tweet seemed to tickle O'Brien, who came back with ".@Madeleine YES - My first twitter war with a former Secretary of State! You're next, George P. Shultz!"

Albright, who in the Clinton administration in 1997 became the first woman to serve as secretary of state, offered the funnyman 90 characters of wisdom: ".@ConanOBrien Never get into a word war with a diplomat. We talk even more than comedians."

The sparring ended with O'Brien tweeting, "Damn - Whenever I go toe to toe with @Madeleine Albright, she always wins."


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